​Environmental Soil & Water Remediation

Dealing with the introduction of hazardous materials to the soil and environment surrounding your property is a situation that requires quick remedy from experienced professionals. Whether dealing with creek contamination cleanup, spill control, impacted soil removal or surface water removal, you can depend on the expertise that First Class Environmental provides to your property. We have the skilled and capable professionals needed to bring you results that will promote a healthier and safer environment for everyone involved.
Soil Remediation
Having your soil compromised with hazardous materials can be a major issue and difficult to treat properly in order to reverse the effects of these issues. When looking for the experts to provide you with the impacted soil excavation you need, you can count on the professionals at First Class Environmental to provide you with results. We bring you impacted soil removal and treatment in order to bring back a space of safety. This ensures that affected soil areas are properly dealt with and keep further issues from being caused as a result of these events, providing you a series of benefits in one service.
Water Source Remediation
When the water in your property is affected, First Class Environmental provides you with the capability to efficiently deal with these issues as well. Whether from pipeline, water supply or otherwise, we have the ability to bring you the results you need quickly and efficiently. No matter the source of your water, ensuring that it’s clean and usable is important and the experts at First Class Environmental put the full weight of their experience behind bringing you results you can count on. For experts that treat your water as important as you consider it, you can count on the services we provide.
Ground Water Remediation
Issues with contamination in your ground water resources can risk environmental catastrophes if not dealt with quickly and efficiently. When choosing First Class Environmental for your service needs, you can count on experts that understand how to bring the best results and to provide remediation you can count on. Whether dealing with creek contamination cleanup, terminal cleanup or surface water removal, you can depend on the expertise of our professionals to bring you results you can depend on. Not only do we bring these services for the benefit of your business, but for the benefit of the environment.
Experienced and Thorough
No matter the service you call upon the experts at First Class Environmental for, you can depend on results that are designed to bring your property back to a state of efficiency and safety. Whether dealing with water or soil issues, knowing that you have the experienced professionals in your corner to provide you results from Lubbock all across Texas can be beneficial. Making the choice to call in First Class Environmental for your needs will see your property cared for, your issues dealt with and remediation efforts in place that will provide you with a thorough and dependable treatment.